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h4l THE VILLAGE pe malul Lacului Saulei


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h4l THE VILLAGE development started in 2021. The project is divided in 4 phases and will be completed in 2025. In this section you can find information about the progress of the construction. The development phases are to be completed as follows:

  • October 2024 – PHASE 1
  • December 2025 – PHASE 2
  • Soon – PHASE 3 and 4

July 15th, 2023

Discover the major project that has kept us busy for quite some time! Stay until the end to see the latest images from the construction site.

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December 21st, 2023

Did you know that you can customize your house with garden with the best quality materials? Alexandru Niculescu, Site Manager h4l THE VILLAGE invites you to see our showroom and learn more about the renowned suppliers with whom we collaborate.

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h4l THE VILLAGE - Jurnal de șantier 14 noiembrie 2023
Jurnal de șantier 15 noiembrie 2023, h4l THE VILLAGE, Pentru cei care își doresc mai mult

November 15th 2023

Alexandru Niculescu, Site Manager h4l THE VILLAGE gives us, in this interview, details about the advanced stage of the construction works of the houses with garden in PHASE 1.

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June 14th 2023

h4l THE VILLAGE will be more than a neighborhood, it will be a community of over 4000 inhabitants. Here’s how we deliver on the h4l promise when we build h4l THE VILLAGE.

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h4l THE VILLGE, Pentru cei care își doresc mai mult, home 4 life, locuințe la preț accesibil
Arhitect Oana Ghiță, h4l, jurnal de șantier

April 18th 2023

Architect Oana Ghiță tells us about the multiple benefits for which we chose to use a ventilated facade with materials from FunderMax, a world-renowned supplier.

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April 6th, 2023

Alexandru Niculescu, Site Manager, talks about the evolution of the h4l THE VILLAGE project and the steps to be taken.

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Jurnal de șantier 6 aprilie 2023, Alexandru Niculescu, Șef Șantier h4l THE VILLAGE
Interviu Oana Ghiță, Arhitect - Consultant Fundermax, vorbește despre sistemul de faţadă Fundermax şi despre beneficiile aduse de acesta. FunderMax, h4l

PHASE 1 - March 27, 2023

In this interview Oana Ghiță, FunderMax Architect – Consultant, talks about the FunderMax facade system and the benefits it brings.

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Showroom - March 27, 2023

Construction work on the h4l THE VILLAGE showroom is nearing completion. The images captured on the construction site speak for themselves.

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Jurnal de șantier h4l THE VILLAGE, showroom, 27 martie 2023
Jurnal de șantier h4l THE VILLAGE - FAZA 1 - 27 martie 2023

PHASE 1 - March 27, 2023

The images from the construction site show the stage of construction of the PHASE 1 houses with garden.

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14 February 2023

Alexandru Igor Hristenco, Senior Project manager h4l talks in this interview about the innovative solutions used to increase energy efficiency.

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Jurnal de Șantier 14 februarie 2023 h4l THE VILLAGE
Jurnal de șantier 7 februarie 2023 patrat

7 February 2023

Alexandru Niculescu, Site Manager h4l THE VILLAGE tells us about the status of the works on the site and what works are to be started.

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16 December 2022

Ionel Badea, Design Director, POPP & Asociații talks to us in an interview about the resistance structure of garden houses and TOWNHOUSES within h4l THE VILLAGE.

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Jurnal de șantier 16 decembrie 2022, Pentru cei care își doresc mai mult, h4l THE VILLAGE
Jurnal de șantier, 6 decembrie, h4l THE VILLAGE, Pentru cei care își doresc mai mult, h4l

6 December 2022

Bogdan Vetrea, Project Manager h4l THE VILLAGE, together with Engineer MirceaSibana, Product Representative – XELLA Romania talk to us about the chosen solution in terms of masonry.

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28 November 2022

Bogdan Vetrea, Project Manager, together with joinery specialists, talk to us about the advantages of Schuco joinery chosen as a solution for h4l THE VILLAGE.

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Jurnal de șantier, 28 noiembrie 2022, h4l THE VILLAGE
Jurnal de șantier, 21 noiembrie h4l THE VILLAGE, Pentru cei care își doresc mai mult, h4l

21 November 2022

Alexandru Niculescu, Site Manager, describes the state of the works on the h4l THE VILLAGE site and talks about the next steps in the construction process.

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25 October 2022

Bogdan Vetrea, Project Manager gives us details about the solutions chosen in the construction of the h4l THE VILLAGE neighborhood, but also about the optimal compartmentalization and sizing for the efficiency of the interior space

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Jurnal de șantier, 25 octombrie, Pentru cei care își doresc mai mult, h4l THE VILLAGE
Jurnal de șantier, 20 octombrie, Pentru cei care își doresc mai mult, h4l THE VILLAGE

20 October 2022

Bogdan Vetrea, Project Manager, tells us in an interview about the status of the works on the site of the h4l THE VILLAGE neighborhood.

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14 October 2022

For PHASE 1 and PHASE 4 all the foundations for houses with garden and TOWNHOUSES had been poured. Work is progressing with the casting of the top plates and the showroom is
in an advanced stage of development. From the beginning we have taken care of the environment.

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Evolutie Santier h4l THE VILLAGE -  14 octombrie 2022, case Bucuresti
Stadiu lucrări de construcție h4l THE VILLAGE, Pentru cei care își doresc mai mult

26 September 2022

Construction work for PHASE 1 and PHASE 4 has reached an advanced stage of development. At the moment the foundations for the garden houses are completely laid, and for PHASE 4 the upper floor is to be erected.

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18 August 2022

Work on the foundations of the garden houses in PHASE 1 has almost been completed and we are preparing for the next stage of development.

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h4l THE VILLAGE; santier, FAZA 1, luna august
Jurnal de șantier 12 august 2022 h4l THE VILLAGE

12 August 2022

Work on the garden houses in PHASE 4 is at a fairly advanced stage, with construction of the upper floor well underway.

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10 June 2022

The development of the h4l THE VILLAGE neighborhood began with the preparation of the land on which the garden houses and TOWNHOUSES will be erected.

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Jurnal de șantier 10 iunie 2022 h4l THE VILLAGE
Construcție drum acces, h4l THE VILLAGE, pentru cei care își doresc mai mult (6)

22 October 2021

We have started the works on the development of the access road to the h4l THE VILLAGE neighborhood, and soon we will start the actual works.

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