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Life and connection in our spaces through biophilic design

Cum putem adauga viata si conexiune in spatiile noastre prin design biofilic

How we can add life and connection to our spaces through biophilic design In a hectic and increasingly urbanized modern world, we seem to forget the beauty and healing power of nature. We are surrounded by concrete and asphalt buildings, and the fresh green of plants, grass and trees sometimes seems like a distant memory […]

The harmony of the planned community within a residential neighborhood

Comunitatea planificată într-un cartier rezidențial

The harmony of the planned community within a residential neighborhood Have you ever dreamed of living in a community where everything is perfectly arranged, where you find comfort and safety, where social ties are strong and nature is two steps away? This dream can become a reality where the concept of planned community is implemented, […]

The joy of having neighbors

The joy of having neighbors, the neighborhood is not a place, but a state of mind.

the neighborhood is not a place, but a state of mind. The joy of having neighbors Living happily with our neighbors is often a challenge. The space we need to live our lives, but also the way we relate to it, to keep safe the intimacy and familiarity we need to function normally, are aspects […]