
enlivens life


h4l (home 4 life) is a movement, a new one in Romania, but with a long history in the West, that supports the idea of homes made for people and their needs.

h4l started for the need to have in Romania houses, designed for middle-class (having an affordable price), meant to make life more beautiful and better for each inhabitant. We laid the foundation of this approach after 20 years of experience in real estate, gathering a team focused on the idea of fostering happiness at home by cultivating its sources – enlivens life.

h4l  builds in Romania the first residential neighborhoods intended for people with medium incomes, able to respect current values – home 4 life (home for life). h4l is member of AmCham Romania – American Chamber of Commerce in Romania

The commercialization of the apartments is managed by:

  • H4l Millennium Real Estate S.R.L. – h4l MILLENNIUM
  • H4l Pipera S.R.L. – h4l THE VILLAGE
  • H4l Sebastian Park S.R.L – h4l SEBASTIAN PARK
  • H4l West Garden S.R.L. – h4l WEST GARDEN
Efficiency, innovation, transparency, h4l, home 4 life, the neighborhood that brings joy into life
Proiectare 3D - BIM
3D - BIM
Optimizare, eficiență, inovație, transparență


Our objective is to make available in h4l neighborhoods
50 000 apartments in at least 5 cities in Romania until 2035.

Professionals involved in h4l project
Years of experience of the founder team
Investments in the last 20 years
700 M €
Apartments in development or design
4000 +
Estimated investment for the next 4 years
300 M €

Our creed

Enliven life – this is our creed. All we do at h4l is put under this vision, this validation. Each step, each project, big or small, must lead to – enliven life. Each member of the h4l team is motivated by this vision and the objective of building 50 000 apartments in neighborhoods that bring joy into life by 2035.

Our values

On our way towards - enliven life - we rely on 3 values
assumed at team level.


Life - care - together - we put life first and we guide every step to get closer to our vision - bring joy into life. The care for life, for people around us, the idea of doing things together, of living together are values that underline our team and all our activities.

Harmony with nature

We believe that nature directly influences the quality of our life The more we manage to bring nature into our lives, the better. We organize our activity at h4l on this principle, but we also build - sustainably and focused on creating stable connections between nature and the people who live in h4l neighborhoods.


We believe in innovation and its contribution to increasing efficiency. h4l is also a revolution of efficiency as each activity, each element goes through an optimization process.

Our values are in our commitment.