How to choose the ideal home: tips for types of housing suitable for your needs

h4l THE VILLAGE, casă cu grădină, model 4.5, Pentru cei care își doresc mai mult, pe malul Lacului Șaulei

How to choose the ideal home: tips for types of housing suitable for your needs Indeed, choosing the right home to meet your needs can be a real challenge! Absolutely, taking the time for thoughtful consideration and analysis, even jotting down some notes, is crucial when making such an important decision. There are several aspects […]

The usefulness of a viewing before buying the future house

Utilitatea pe care o are o vizionare

The usefulness of a viewing before buying the future house The long-awaited moment has come when you have to buy your own home, an experience full of emotions and a good opportunity to build your future in a space that reflects your personality and lifestyle. During this search, you will have the opportunity to explore […]

Site log h4l THE VILLAGE retrospective 2022

Jurnal de șantier 12 august 2022 h4l THE VILLAGE

h4l THE VILLAGE SITE LOG Retrospective of the year 2022 Stage of work at the end of 2022 The h4l THE VILLAGE neighborhood construction work started in 2022 for PHASE 1 and PHASE 4 garden houses and TOWNHOUSES. Thus, for the houses with a garden, all the foundations were poured, and in the case of […]

How to insulate a house – about basalt wool and polystyrene thermosystems

Cum să izolezi o casă, h4l, home for life, vată bazaltică (1)

How to insulate a house About basalt wool and polystyrene thermosystems The insulation of a house is a particularly important topic, especially in the current context, when we have to be careful that the investment we make in the purchased home really brings us long-term benefits. Of course, the energy and heating costs, as well […]

Correctly designed houses – 7 criteria for energy efficient houses

Case proiectate corect - 7 criterii pentru case eficiente energetic

Properly designed houses – 7 criteria for energy efficient houses The energy has become the epicenter of a reality in continuous evolution, where environmental preservation and protection are at the center of attention, creating a fertile ground for the design and construction of energy efficient houses, that redefine standards in this field and align with […]

How does a neighborhood density influence its residents’ well-being

Cum influențează densitatea unui cartier starea de bine a locuitorilor săi, h4l, home 4 life (1)

How does a neighborhood density influence its residents’ well-being Nowadays, we live in a busy world that brings people together more often and makes them live in communion, accept each other and find things that connect them. The spaces and environments where we live or work influence our lifestyle and the way we think, but […]