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Life and connection in our spaces through biophilic design

Cum putem adauga viata si conexiune in spatiile noastre prin design biofilic

How we can add life and connection to our spaces through biophilic design In a hectic and increasingly urbanized modern world, we seem to forget the beauty and healing power of nature. We are surrounded by concrete and asphalt buildings, and the fresh green of plants, grass and trees sometimes seems like a distant memory […]

Children are happier in a green neighborhood

Copii sunt mai fericiți într-un cartier verde, h4l, home for life, însuflețește viața

Children are happier in a green neighborhood Living in communion with nature is, many times, an aspiration of may of us, because we feel deep inside that we can achieve balance only through contact with its peace, nature and beauty. Nevertheless, because we are part of this world, and it is in our nature to […]